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27 July 2024

Manufacturing details

The passion for performance, precision and mastery of technology and materials are keys to success in motorsport and in the development of modern engines. Our comprehensive expertise in the application of high-quality materials will assure the perfect choice according to customer needs. We transform forge blanks into high-quality con rods from design of the blank itself to the final peening and finishing.

All dp connecting rods are machined in house with the finest tolerances and with the highest standards. Balancing of the rods depending the horsepower and reving targets can come as close as 0,1gramms. There are many different series available with consideration of the usage and the engine needs. Various different series and designs of connecting rods are available according to what is actually needed. That can be decided from the nature of the usage such as turbo or aspirated engine, street or race, level and type of racing, reving targets etc. Considering any connecting rod, the configuration of the beam does not dictate the strength of the connecting rod itself. Different applications place different requirements on a rod design, hence also suggesting different beam configurations. Deciding factors on which beam type to use include weight, clearance and actual load conditions in the engine. Considering the dynamics of a connecting rod, the axial compression-tension load, combined with twist and bending forces exerted dp can decide the best for your application.